Alternate Dispute Resolution

Helping solve disputes without a lifetime stuck in court hearings.

Its obligations under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and home-grown arbitration, mediation and conciliation regime have made Indian jurisprudence an effective purveyor of alternate dispute resolution.

Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods preface significant advantages over formal legal proceedings, not least of which is speed and cost effectiveness. They also permit legal and procedural flexibility, and are preferable for preservation of commercial relationships.

Courts in India have long recognised the benefits of ADR and actively encourage parties to resolve or, at the very least, narrow down their disputes that would otherwise be adjudicated before them in whole. In fact, recalcitrance in appointing arbitrators or stymieing arbitral or mediatory efforts usually incur judicial ire and courts frown upon dilatory tactics.

Well versed with the wide variety of mechanisms for dispute resolution, the Firm has been committed to supporting ADR techniques as and where appropriate, and is at the forefront of applying fast-track commercial dispute legislation.

With decades of experience in ADR, the Firm is attitudinally and practically equipped to handle both court supervised and out-of- court / private mediations and other dispute settlement mechanisms. In addition to this, our extensive litigation experience gives us a unique perspective of the factors that lead to successful ADR outcomes. The Firm is fully involved in ADR practice and is consistently building its expertise in the field, being involved in some of the largest ADR cases in intellectual property in India and has seen a high percentage of successful outcomes.

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